November 03, 2005


I finally got my radiocarbon dates! Now I have to make sense of them. This can be a little tricky. My biggest problem? Two dates from the same centimeter (one bulk sediment and one macrofossil) came back different. Very different. Not even close to being within one standard deviation. This is the biggest problem. The others I can probably work out.

I feel extra busy right now. I need to really get cracking on my presentation for veg history. I'm giving it on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. I'm also setting up a committee meeting, which I think I'm going to have the Friday before Thanksgiving. Now I have to get cracking on my thesis again. I guess I feel like I haven't been working on it much, because I haven't been writing or anything. Now I can actually start writing something, and be writing as I count pollen. Processing starts next week hopefully!

Now I have to eat my banana.

1 comment:

ScienceWoman said...

Your outlier might be due to the different histories of the macrofossil and the bulk sediment carbon. I've never done radiocarbon myself but I remember a friend telling me about different dates for gyttja and charcoal from the same layer. You might still be able to make sense of it. In any case, it sounds better than your pollen stuff. Good luck.