I haven't been able to blog about anything. Some things I thought about seemed out of place on my blog. Then I couldn't think of anything that would fit in! Now, this is stupid. I mean, a blog should be a place you're comfortable writing whatever you want to write about. If you specifically want to write about a certain subject, then you base your blog on that. Some people write about everything. Well, I didn't feel like I could write about *anything*. I felt that my blog didn't belong anywhere. It used to be a mostly academic blog. Now I'm not a grad student anymore. It could be a mommy blog, but sometimes I don't want to blog about mommy stuff. Although that is my life. I just don't want to be pigeonholed into a space where I don't feel I can write anything!
So I'm trying to put another new face on my blog. One I can be happy with. I apologize to those of you who may still read my blog from the academic days. I'm trying to find myself a bit right now, so my blog is going through that with me I guess.